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1.2021-01至2024-12,国家自然科学基金面上项目:互联网平台企业的补贴式市场竞争策略及政府规制研究。基金号:72071154/ G0102,主持人

2.2021-04至2022-12,2021年度体育平台基本科研业务费 (人文社科类)-重大培育项目:新形势下全球科技创新网络演化及风险治理研究,基金号:SK2021089,主持人

3.2023-12至2027-12,国家社科基金重大项目“人脑智能和新一代人工智能协同推动管理创新研究”。 基金号:23&ZD135,子课题负责人

4.2022-12至2027-12,国家社科基金重大项目“新形势下全球供应链中断风险研判与应对策略研究”。 基金号:22&ZD132,子课题负责人

5.2022-04至2024-12,国家社科基金重大项目“科技自立自强作为国家经济发展的战略支撑研究”。 基金号:22ZDA048,子课题负责人

6.2017-11至2021-12,国家社科基金重大项目“基于市场导向的重大科技项目成果转化的生态环境和制度优化”。 基金号:17ZDA083,子课题负责人

7.2017-01至2020-12,国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于溢出效应的企业绿色产品投资及政府补偿机制研究。基金号:71672140/ G021001,主持人









1.王凯, 林军, 2023.12. 数字科技驱动下的供应链融资机制设计. 体育平台出版社. ISBN 978-7-5693-3016-8

2.许晓晴, 林军, 2021.10. 平行机的鲁棒调度模型与优化. 体育平台出版社. ISBN 978-7-5693-2254-5

3.钱艳俊, 林军, 2019.8. 新产品开发流程管理. 科学出版社. ISBN 978-7-03-062133-7

4.Lin J., 2008.12. Modeling and Analyzing Concurrent Processes for Project Performance Improvement. University Printing Office, Eindhoven, Netherlands. 荷兰埃因霍芬大学出版社. ISBN 978-90-386-1380-2.


1.Xin W., Lin* J., Zhou X., Yin S., 2024. Envelopment strategies and contract design of two-sided platforms, International Journal of Production Economics, accepted.

2.Qin J., Subramanian A. M., Lin* J., 2023. R&D and the financial performance of high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises: Does managerial ability matter? Interntaional Small Business Journal, accepted.

3.Qin J., Lin* J., Xin Y., 2023. Corporate tax avoidance: The impact of performance above aspiration and CEO experience, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, accepted.

4.Wang X., Lin* J., Xin Y., Ojanen V., 2023. East-West cross-cultural collaboration and research impact, Creativity Research Journal, accepted.

5.Hou T., Fang Y., Li J., Lin* J., Su Q., 2023. Building Organizational Resilience: The Role of Supply Chain Board Members and in Supply Network Positions, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, accepted.

6.Hua J., Lin* J., Wang* K., Liu, G., 2023. Government Interventions in New Technology Adoption to Improve Product Greenness, International Journal of Production Economics, accepted.

7.Shi L., Lin* J., Liu G., 2023. Product feature extraction from Chinese online reviews: application to product improvement, RAIRO - Operations Research, accepted.

8.Wang H., Lin* J., Ran L., 2023. Time-Locked Free Trial Strategy in Duopoly Markets with Switching Costs, 4OR-A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, accepted.

9.Hou T., Li J., Lin* J., 2024. Neighboring Knowledge Recombination: Knowledge Relationship Intensity, Neighboring Knowledge Concentration, and Knowledge Impact, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71: 5160-5173.

10.Lu X., Lin* J., Wang H., Qian Y., 2024. Extending a Product Line with a Product Applying Green Technology, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, ,71: 3189-3204.

11.Hou T., Li J., Lin* J., 2024. Recombination of Knowledge Components and Knowledge Impact: Neighboring Components vs Distant Components, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71: 245-257.

12.Wang K., Lin* J., Zhang Q., Li J., 2023. Store Brand Introduction Under Platform Financing and Competition, Transportation Research Part E–Logistics and Transportation Review, 176: 103209.

13.Hou T., Li J., Lin* J., 2023. Linking Knowledge Search to Knowledge Creation: The Intermediate Role of Knowledge Complexity, Management Decision, 61(5): 1156-1182.

14.Li Y., Lin* J., Qian Y., Li D., 2023. Feed-in Tariff Policy for Biomass Power Generation: Incorporating the Feedstock Acquisition Process, European Journal of Operational Research, 304(3), 1113-1132.

15.Zhang* Q., Chen J., Lin J., 2023. Interaction between innovation choice and market-entry timing in a competitive fashion supply chain. International Journal of Production Research, 61(5): 1606-1623.

16.Wang K., Lin* J., Liu G., Liu Q., 2022. Strategic Introduction of Logistics Retail and Finance Under Competition and Channel Spillover, Transportation Research Part E–Logistics and Transportation Review, 165: 102863.

17.Yang Y., Fu Y., Lin* J., Huang G.Q., 2022. An attitudinal consensus method under uncertainty in 3PRLP selection, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 172: 108493.

18.Yang Y., Lin* J., Fu Y., Huang G.Q., Huang W., Fang C., 2022. Tolerance framework for robust group multiple criteria decision making, Expert Systems with Applications, 208: 118208.

19.Jing F., Lin* J., Zhang Q., Qian Y., 2022. New Technology Introduction and Product Rollover Strategies, European Journal of Operational Research, 302(1): 324-336.

20.Zhang* Q., Chen J., Lin J., 2022. Market targeting with social influences and risk aversion in a co-branding alliance, European Journal of Operational Research, 297(1): 301-318.

21.Wen M., Lin* J., Qian Y., Huang W., 2021. Scheduling Interrelated Activities in Complex Projects under High-Order Rework: A DSM-Based Approach, Computers & Operations Research, 130, 105246.

22.Zhou* X., Chen K., Wen H., Lin* J., Zhang* K., Tian X., Wang S., Lev B., 2021. Integration of third-party platforms: does it really hurt them? International Journal of Production Economics, 234, 108003.

23.Zhou* X., Wei X., Lin* J., Tian X., Lev B., Wang S., 2021. Supply chain management under carbon taxes: A review and bibliometric analysis, Omega, 98, 102295.

24.Lin* J., Huang W., Wen M., Li D., Ma S., Hua J., Hu H., Yin* S., Chen P., Qian Y., Zhang Q., Sun S., Yuan N., 2020. Containing the Spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Meteorological Factors and Control Strategies, Science of the Total Environment, 744, 140935.

25.Qian Y., Lin* J., Li D., Hu H., 2020. Block-Insertion-Based Algorithms for the Linear Ordering Problem, Computers & Operations Research, 115, 104861.

26.Naseem M.A., Lin* J., Rehman R., Ahmad M.I., Ali R., 2020. Does Capital Structure Mediate the Link between CEO Characteristics and Firm Performance? Management Decision, 58 (1), 164-181.

27.Zhao X., Lu X., Liu Y., Lin J., An J., 2018. Tourist movement patterns understanding from the perspective of travel party size using mobile tracking data: A case study of Xi'an, China. Tourism Management, 69, 368-383.

28.Li D., Lin* J., Cui W., Qian Y., 2018. The trade-off between knowledge exploration and exploitation in technological innovation, Journal of Knowledge Management, 22 (4), 781-801.

29.Lin J., Huang, W., Qian* Y., Zhao X., 2018. Scheduling interrelated activities using insertion-based heuristics, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 65 (1), 113-127.

30.Hu H., Lin* J., Qian Y., Sun J., 2018. Strategies for New Product Diffusion: Whom and How to Target? Journal of Business Research, 83, 111-119.

31.Wang L., Lin* J., Yan J., Cui W., 2017. Where Do High-Impact Ideas Come From? The Interplay between the Cumulative Knowledge Structures and Search Strategies of Researchers, Management Decision, 55 (5), 808-825.

32.Wang L., Yan J., Lin J., Cui W., 2017. Let the users tell the truth: Self-disclosure intention and self-disclosure honesty in mobile social networking, International Journal of Information Management, 37 (1), 1428–1440.

33.Lin J., Qian* Y.J., Cui W., Goh T.N., 2015. An effective approach for scheduling coupled activities in development projects, European Journal of Operational Research, 243 (1), 97-108.

34.Xu X., Lin* J., Cui W., 2014. Hedge against total flow time uncertainty of the uniform parallel machine scheduling problem with interval data. International Journal of Production Research, 52 (19), 5611-5625.

35.Qian Y., Lin* J., 2014. Organizing Interrelated Activities in Complex Product Development, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 61 (2), 298-309.

36.Sun J., Lin J., Qian Y.J., 2013. Game-theoretic analysis of competitive agri-biomass supply chain. Journal of Cleaner Production 43, 174-181. 

37.Xu X., Cui W., Lin* J., Qian Y.J., 2013.  Robust makespan minimisation in identical parallel machines scheduling problems with interval data. International Journal of Production Research 51 (12), 3532-3548.

38.Lin J., Qian* Y.J., Yassine A., Cui W., 2012. A Fuzzy Approach for Sequencing Interrelated Activities in a DSM. International Journal of Production Research 50 (23), 7012-7025.

39.Lin J., Qian* Y.J., Cui W., 2012. Managing the Concurrent Execution of Dependent Product Development Stages. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 59 (1), 104-114.

40.Lin* J., Ng T.S., 2011. Robust multi-market newsvendor models with interval demand data. European Journal of Operational Research 212 (2), 361-373.

41.Qian Y., Lin* J., Goh T.N., Xie M., 2011. A Novel Approach to DSM-based Activity Sequencing Problem. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 58 (4), 688-705.

42.Lin* J., Qian Y., Cui W., Miao Z., 2010. Overlapping and Communication Policies in Product Development. European Journal of Operational Research 201 (3), 737-750.

43.Lin* J., Chai K.H., Brombacher A.C., Wong Y.S., 2009. Optimal overlapping and functional interaction in product development. European Journal of Operational Research 196 (3), 1158-1169.

44.Lin* J., Chai K.H., Wong Y.S., Brombacher, A.C., 2008. A dynamic model for managing overlapped iterative product development. European Journal of Operational Research 185 (1), 378-392.


1.2021年10月,论文Containing the Spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Meteorological Factors and Control Strategies获陕西高等学校人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖(一等奖),第一完成人


3.2019年9月,论文Scheduling interrelated activities using insertion-based heuristics获陕西省第十四次哲学社会科学优秀成果奖(三等奖),第一完成人

4.2019年4月,论文An effective approach for scheduling coupled activities in development projects获陕西高等学校人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖(一等奖),第一完成人

5.2019年4月,论文Strategies for new product diffusion: Whom and how to target?获陕西高等学校人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖(二等奖),第二完成人

6.2019年4月,论文Tourist movement patterns understanding from the perspective of travel party size using mobile tracking data: A case study of Xi'an, China获陕西高等学校人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖(二等奖),第四完成人
