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2000年9月至2001年9月在日本名古屋大学经济学部作访问研究,近两年曾赴美国印第安纳大学、美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校作短期访问研究。2010-2014年担任中国会计学会财务成本分会理事,2010年至今担任陕西预算会计学会常务理事,2014年至今担任陕西省会计学会理事。担任Journal of Business Research、Emerging Markets Finance and Trade、Accounting and Business Research等期刊的审稿人。

主持的科研项目曾获陕西省科技进步三等奖、陕西省教育厅科学技术奖二等奖,参与的教改项目曾获国家级教学成果二等奖、陕西省教学成果一等奖,“Audit Opinion Improvement and The Timing Of Disclosure”曾获中国会计学会优秀论文三等奖。












[1]      Wang Ruiqi, Fangjun Wang, Luying Xu, Changhong Yuan, R&D expenditures, Ultimate ownership and future performance: Evidence from China, Journal of Business Research, 2017, 71: 47~54. (SSCI)

[2]      Charles P. Cullinan, Fangjun Wang, Peng Wang, Junqin Sun, Whose interests do independent directors represent? Examining the ownership-contingent nature of the relationship between board independence and tunneling, China Accounting and Finance Review, 2017, 19(2): 63~90.

[3]      Peng Wang , Fangjun Wang, Nan Hu, The effect of ultimate ownership on the disclosure of environmental information, Australian Accounting Review, 2017. (SSCI)

[4]      张俊瑞, 王良辉, 汪方军, 管理层任职网络会影响高管薪酬吗?一项基于社会资本的实证研究, 管理评论, 2017

[5]      Xuelian Bai, Fangjun Wang, Junrui Zhang, Analyst coverage and stock return synchronicity: evidence from regulation changes in China’s IPO market, Applied Economics, 2016, 48(47): 4538~4557. (SSCI)

[6]      汪方军 , 孙俊勤, 邓杰丹, 企业社会责任与实际税负的相关性研究, 税务研究, 2016, (10): 87~91.

[7]      张俊瑞 , 陈怡欣, 汪方军, 所得税优惠政策对企业创新效率影响评价研究, 科研管理, 2016, (3): 93~100.

[8]      Bin Liu , Charles P. Cullinan, Junrui Zhang, Fangjun Wang, Loan guarantees and the cost of debt evidence from China, Applied Economics, 2016, 48(38): 3626~3643. (SSCI)

[9]      张俊瑞, 刘彬, 程子健, 汪方军, 上市公司对外担保与持续经营不确定性审计意见关系研究——来自沪深主板市场A股的经验证据, 审计研究, 2014, (01): 62~70.

[10]   Huiting Guo, Fangjun Wang, Junrui Zhang, Attitudes Of Chinese Listed Enterprises Toward Cash Flow Manipulation A Resource Dependence Perspective, The Journal of Applied Business Research, 2013, 29(1): 263~274.

[11]   赵新荣, 汪方军, 雷雨, 低碳经济背景下碳排放权确认与计量的研究进展与启示, 人文杂志, 2013, (12): 47~52.

[12]   Charles P. Cullinan, Fangjun Wang, Peng Wang, Junrui Zhang, Ownership structure and accounting conservatism in China, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 2012, 21(1): 1~16.

[13]   Nan Hu, Fangjun Wang, Peng Wang, Lee J. Yao, Junrui Zhang, The impact of ultimate ownerships on audit fees: evidence from Chinese listed companies, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 2012, 19(3): 352~373. (SSCI)

[14]   Charles P. Cullinan, Fangjun Wang, Bei Yang, Junrui Zhang, Audit opinion improvement and the timing of disclosure, Advances in Accounting, 2012, 28(2): 333~343.

[15]   Junrui Zhang, Bei Yang, Fangjun Wang, Giving: Active Responsibility Or Passive Ingratiation? Evidence From Chinese Family-Controlled Listed Companies, The Journal of Applied Business Research, 2012, 28(3): 427~440.

[16]   朱莉欣, 郭维彬, 汪方军, 适应低碳经济的区域低碳创新系统研究, 西安科技大学学报, 2012, (01): 121~123+134.

[17]   汪方军, 朱莉欣, 黄侃, 低碳经济下国家碳排放信息披露系统研究, 科学学研究, 2011, (04): 515~520.

[18]   杨蓓, 汪方军, 黄侃, 适应低碳经济的企业碳排放成本模型, 体育平台学报(社会科学版), 2011, (01): 44~47.

[19]   张俊瑞, 汪方军, 王鹏, 上市公司社会责任信息披露影响因素研究, 中国总会计师, 2010, (08): 55~57.

[20]   Fangjun Wang, Junqin Sun, Junrui Zhang, Benefits of Carbon Reductions Disclosure and Carbon Reductions?Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, New York, 2016.08.06-2016.08.10.

[21]   王良辉, 张俊瑞, 汪方军, 管理层内部联结、董事会治理与成本粘性: 基于独立董事期满离任所构建的自然实验, China Journal of Accounting Studies Conference, 西安, 2016.05.20-2016.05.21.

[22]   Fangjun Wang , Luying Xu, Jian Cao, Junrui Zhang, Loan Guarantee, Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Audit Fee: Evidence from China, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2015.08.08-2015.08.12.

[23]   Fangjun Wang , Lin Wu, Lixin Zhu, Using Modified Value Multiplier to Measure the Effectiveness of Carbon Emission Relative Activities, 5th International Asia Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, 2014.07.21-2014.07.2 (EI)

[24]   Fangjun Wang , Bei Yang, Junrui Zhang, Cross listing and earnings preannouncement strategies, The 6th International Finance and Banking Society 2014 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014.06.18-2014.06.20.
